Tuesday, April 14, 2009

T-Ball Time!!!

I so wish I had more time to blog. There is just so much going on all the time, the computer takes a bit of a backburner. So EG has started t-ball. She had practice Monday. They are SO cute! But of course my child had to talk and ask the coach twenty questions before she would bat. I was like "where does she get all that talking from"? Not me of course :) But once she got the hang of it she did pretty good. She may actually be a ball player (like her daddy, we all know I have no athletic ability whatsoever).

We close on our house April 30th! I'm so excited but stressed to the max! I have not started packing AT ALL! And I am going to working in Atlanta next week...so I'm not real sure when I'm gonna start. But thats okay I'm just excited I got it!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Yes. It has been over a month since the last blog post. So much has happened. Ella Grace got her hair cut. It is so cute! Even though my parents had a heart attack when they saw her. I just have to keep reminding them...I'm the mommy, I'm the mommy. She looks so grown up. As most of you that know Heather know Amidy Cole is here. She is an absolute doll. At first I thought she looked liked Heather then I thought maybe Doc. She's just a combination of both I think. And she is precious!

Ella Grace and I went to the zoo Friday. We had a ball of course. I think you forget how gross the zoo really is until you become a germophobe parent. I think I used my whole bottle of hand sanitizer on us both. She loved the flamingos and giraffes. Did ya'll know they give camel rides now? We didnt do that of course. All I could think of was those animals gone wild videos, so we skipped that whole deal. :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm so exited about Heather's shower this weekend. This does make four of my closest friends that are now pregnant. If I weren't living vicariously through all of you I'd being So depressed right now. I'm kidding. But I am really excited about all of these new editions to our lives. I think me and Ella Grace are gonna get a dog :) when we get a new house. That way I have something to baby and she has something to torture. We went to see Hotel for Dogs a few weeks ago and they had Humane Society posters there with real dogs that needed homes, one she fell in love with named Buttercup (in her mind, its name was really doodlebug but she won't listen to me). So now she has to go to the pest store and every time she goes she is looking for buttercup! We are gonna have some real issues if she actually sees a dog that looks like buttercup because she will expect me to bring it home.

Also, just to let you all know cocktails are now cottontails. We were watching a cooking show and they lady said coming up she was gonna make cocktails. EllaG leaned over and whispered "why does she always have to make cottontails?"

Thursday, January 22, 2009

First Naughty Word

Ok I have debated on whether to post this or not, but it's too funny so I had to. A few days ago I was getting Ella G's papers out of her backpack and I was doing the whole mommy voice and oohing and ahhing over what she did that day. Anyway, I pulled out a little thing that looked like a paper chicken. So I said "Ella Grace did you make a chicken at school today?" in a very excited voice. She turns around, looks at me like I'm the biggest idiot and says in a teenage smart tone, "Yeah, what the hell are you asking me for?" I wanted to laugh SO bad but I knew I had to discilpline her because she knew it was wrong. I could tell by her face after she said it. But it was so hard not to crack up. I honestly have no idea where she got it from or how she knew how to use it. She said she heard it at school, but my guess is she heard it on TV. However, it was the first so I had to tell it!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My driving

Ok you all know I am a horrible driver, however I have not wrecked or had a ticket since before Ella G. I do occassionally run up on curbs and my hit the garbage can or something of that sort but I decided to back into a car the other night! My boyfriends roommates car who didn't even park directly behind me. Im sure he purposely parked where he did so that I wouldn't hit him, but I cant back straight so I backed right up into it. Only Me!! So last night when we went over there to eat supper we pulled in and EllagGrace said "Mommy, now when Ryan gets home and we leave you better watch where your going so you don't hit his car again!!" It's sad that my child talks to me like I'm her child.

The pics are of her at her Oma's. She gets more pedicures than me!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Ok I have told some of you this story, but now there's a little bit of an add on too it. OK...a few weeeks ago i was keeping my friends baby who is a boy and it was diaper changing time so I laid him on my ottoman and began to change him. Well of course Miss Nosy (Ella G) had to be all up in our business. Anyway, we have always told her that boys have koodies so when she sees his little weewee she said "Momma! Is that his Koodie!?" Not knowing what to say I said yes honey it is. Her reply to this..."bless his heart". Apparantly she thought it was some kind of weird growth down there. So of course I cracked up!! So last night we were laying in bed and talking about kissing and she said you can't kiss boys cause they have koodies. I agreed of course. Then she said, "but dogs have really long koodies that drag the ground!" I died laughing!! Only my child would put that together. I think she is talking about pregnant female dogs when all that hangs down, I couldn't correct her though cause I couldn't stop laughing! You just never know what is going to come out of her mouth!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Yes! It is January 3rd and I am just now posting Christmas. I'm so tired of being busy. This week I had my highest number of referrals in a week since I've been with the company and we were off a day. Needless to say I have been on the phone today trying to get patients admitted. I'm exhausted. I'm sure people think I have fallen off the face of the earth, but I'm still here I promise!

Anyway, this was the most fun Christmas to date with EllaG. She was So into it this year and really understood what was happening. We made cookies for Santa and decorated them Christmas Eve. We read the Christmas story the whole week before. She actually did her version for me and it was amazing how she knew it so well. She even knew the Angel was Gabriel that spoke to Mary. I have to say it is so special when they soak up every bit of the world around them. Especially when it's good stuff.

She is with her Oma this weekend and I miss her So much, but everytime I talk to her she is having so much fun she says a sentence and then it's "bye mommy"! So I know she is having a ball!!