Tuesday, April 14, 2009

T-Ball Time!!!

I so wish I had more time to blog. There is just so much going on all the time, the computer takes a bit of a backburner. So EG has started t-ball. She had practice Monday. They are SO cute! But of course my child had to talk and ask the coach twenty questions before she would bat. I was like "where does she get all that talking from"? Not me of course :) But once she got the hang of it she did pretty good. She may actually be a ball player (like her daddy, we all know I have no athletic ability whatsoever).

We close on our house April 30th! I'm so excited but stressed to the max! I have not started packing AT ALL! And I am going to working in Atlanta next week...so I'm not real sure when I'm gonna start. But thats okay I'm just excited I got it!!!